Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Student Work

Here are some past works from a 6 head self portrait assignment using 3 claybodies.

National scholarship information sessions this week

The National Scholarship Office (NSO) will be offering several information sessions during the fall semester related to scholarship programs with deadlines later this fall or early in the spring semester.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tuesday August 29th Wrap-UP

In class today we:
-Introduced the blog as a place to visit for class updates and wrap-up. Side bar will give places to look and labels to find relevant information from past posts. It will be updated by noon the day following each class. Check often.

- Talked about the research that will be due for the semester. Each student will choose 2 artists and/or historical periods from the sign up sheet ( I will bring Thursday) to write a post about. Posts are due by Friday Midnight the week artists are assigned. A handout was given in class with expectations.

- We did a group demo and plaster pour for a Damp Box.

Images taken from Big Ceramic Store.
They recommend:
  1. Put a small piece of plastic on the bottom of your piece before placing it in the box. This keeps it from picking up small particles of plaster. I've never done this, if I use anything it's paper towels as I'm afraid the plastic will prevent moisture from rising but maybe it works. You could also use small pieces of thin plastic like dry cleaning just around your form so it does the job but doesn't seal off plaster. Find your own system, Just make sure the clay doesn't grab plaster particles. Once the plaster has dried completely and is set rinse off extra particles and use!
  2. If you plan on leaving the piece in there a while, make sure you check the moisture level often. If it seems to be getting dry, add a little water. The plaster will absorb the water and maintain a moist environment.
  3. If you work with larger scale pieces, use a large plastic trash can as your damp box.
  4. Add water. How much?? Depends on the size of the box. I add water when it's completely dry till there is about 1/8” of water and then wait till that is absorbed. With a new damp box, it could take several rounds of adding water and letting it absorb.
  5. - We then went over Project 2 due Greenware/slipped with oxides Sept 26th. A handout was given. 
  6. Past Student Work for 6 heads project. Alicia's lowfire terracotta with slip and clear glaze self portrait as a knight.
  7. Homework due for Thursday:
  8. -Your 5" (or more) 1"cube body parts leatherhard. Good start today but remember to push these small little sculptures and spend as much time as you can on them. Time + Patience.
  9. - Your Damp box(s) if you have not made one.
Home work for next Tuesday Sept 5th:

Come to class ready to start working with a list of at least 12 ideas for your possible series of heads.

Research a minimum of 6 artists from list below and your blog. Collect images and put in sketchbook with short description of why you choose and how they relate to this project. You may choose artists off the list but they must be in addition to the 6 you pick from my recommended.

Daisy, Youngblood, Kate McDowell, Robert Arneson, Gundi  Dietz, Akio Takamori, Patti Warishina, Beth Cavener Stitcher , Matt Harris, Adrian Arleo, Christina Bothwell, Doug Jeck, Tanya Batura, Sergei Isupov, Jeff Koons, Judy Fox, Tip Toland, Joseph Seigenthaler, Kathy Venter, Henry Varnum Poor, Christina Cordova, James Stewart
NON CLAY- Ron Mueck, Marc Quinn, George Condo, Cindy Sherman, Kiki Smith
Historical Bust’s: (Egyptian, Roman, Greek, German, African, Renaissance, etc.)

Use only above artists for required research, but below might have additional people of interest.

Now choose your top 6 ideas and make a more specific list of ideas, create collages and/or sketches your ideas. Begin to collect photos of yourself from all sides and bring a mirror….sketch. Put all in sketchbook.

Make drawings of front/side/back for each of your top 6 ideas. That means you’ll have up to 18 sketches to show to me as well as the class that help us understand your concept and how you will start building.

We will meet at the start of class to discuss and share your homework as a group: sketches, ideas and research.

Friday, August 25, 2017


Hello class!
Welcome to the 1st week of The Figure in Clay!  Below is a list of to do to make sure your ready for class.
I cannot stress enough to you that this is a focus class that will take a sincere amount of time and a serious work ethic on your part to understand the medium and succeed. Make sure you are up for the challenge.

Due next Tuesday:
-Collect supplies from Plaza Art Supply and or Clayworks Supplies, INC. I've put links on the sidebar under "Helpful Links". 

-Buy 8x10" or larger hardbound sketchbook. Will be used for this class only.

- Make 5 or more small and detailed anatomical sculptures (can be full figure/head/limb/or smaller part like eye, etc)  from 1"x 1" square of the class stoneware clay. These are due Thursday at the start of class. Tuesday will be a partial workday but I would get started asap. You will run out of time if you wait past the weekend. Each small sculpture should start from its own 1x1" cube. Do not add more. You may use less but I am looking for hours of work on each sculpture, detail and realism. Be inventive with the body parts you choose and choose to challenge yourself.

Email me before Tuesday if you have any Questions.

Here is some inspiration. Some are clay and some are not but all are amazing. Remember your work must be representational and realistic. Something I know you are all capable of if you work and focus on these:
Kate MacDowell

Richard Notkin
Male and female ivory anatomical figures, Europe, 1601-1800
 Earthenware buttons at the Met from 1940 found here.
The Microminiatures of  Hagop Sandaldjian
Medieval carved prayer nut