Monday, November 20, 2017

Final days...

Only 2 class periods left before Final Critiques!

Nov 21st:  Workday Final Project. Glaze cone 6 Exquisite Corpse firing. LAST BISQUE Kiln for work THAT WILL NEED TO BE GLAZED.
Nov 24th: NCECA Glaze Firing.

Nov 28th: Set calendar for critiques. FINAL cone 6 class glaze. LAST Class WORKDAY and FINAL Bisque for work that will not need glazing (for cold finish).
Nov 30th: Exquisite Corpse Final Critique. Bring large drawings you worked from. Sketchbooks collected.

Dec 5thFinal Critique and Potluck/
Dec 7th: Final Critique. Potluck. Return Sketchbooks.
FRIDAY Dec 8th at NOON: Mandatory Clean-Up.