Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Tuesday Oct 24th Wrap Up

Today you filled out Midterm Evaluations for the class.

We talked about strategies for midterm critique this Thursday. You should be preparing your sculpture stands and any other needs for installing your work before Thursday morning. Remember the main objectives of the assignment. Building 6 varying forms in 3 different clays that push varying surface and represent doppelgangers. There is no need to embellish more than the heads unless this is important to your presentation. Keep it simple but be prepared and think about relationships between work, presentation in terms of height and placement. 

You are divided into 2 groups of 6. We will start class at 9am sharp.  We will have approximately 10-15 minutes per student. Out break will be at around 10:15 to switch rooms and install/deinstall work. We will then start up again no later than 10:30 amsharp. It's a tight schedule with lots to talk about! Be prepared.

Consider doing a dry run so Thursday runs smoothly. You can begin installing the night before, but you must be cleaned up, leaving no trace by 12:30pm on Thursday. I will be there at 8:30 and help if I can. Email if you have questions before class Thursday. SKETCHBOOKS WILL BE COLLECTED and returned on the following Tuesday with your midterm grades.

The rest of Tuesday's class was a work period. Your abstract figures are due next Tuesday, on Halloween! You also need to bring colored print outs that show your plans for surfacing the abstract figure. Come with notes on what you want from the surface and how you're going to achieve it, or specific questions on how to achieve it. You will be assigned your Final Project and have the remainder of class to work on Project 2's surface.