Monday, September 4, 2017

Research Blog Posting Advice

Hello Class,

This week we start with our first research  posts of the semester. Here are some helpful things to think about... and to clarify my expectations:

These are meant to be research posts to help inform projects and expose you to the field of ceramic art.

They are not OPED, opinion or commentary pieces.

My hope is they will help you understand important figures in the field as well as give you a diverse range of work being made in the past and present.

Some Do's:
-Choose 3-5 examples of the chosen artist's work that represent their career. Talk about each piece and their process but also how the work informs your given project(s) that are happening in the classroom.
- Let us know when they were making the work (time period).
- Tell us the what type of work they made (concepts/methods/materials such as stoneware that is reduction fired or  lowfire with stains and oxides, etc...)
-Let us know if they had/have mentors or peers who inform the work or if they were part of an art and/or political movements.
-Do Compare and contrast the work they made in terms of material and or concept and range (if their work changed over time. If so let us know why.)
- Do read informed articles and reviews about the work and cite your sources by linking if online.

-Merely give opinions based on your taste. Make sure the post is research based and referencing ceramic vocabulary, techniques and history.
- Do learn who the person was and why they made the work or how it related to the world they lived in. Why are they considered important to the field of ceramics or at least relevant to this class.

-Do not post photos of the artist but focus on good quality images of the work they made. 
-Only post ceramic work. Mixed media is ok if clay is part of the materials but remember while some of the artists work in a range of media we are focusing on clay and the figure this semester.