Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Tuesday September 12th Wrap up

We checked in on the blog and I encouraged you to check it often for posts, videos and links related to the project. Remember your heads are due finished in their slipped/ underglaze greenware state and starting to dry so that we can bisque asap.

I showed you my test tiles for Amaco velvet underglaze at 04 and 6. Here is a link to Clayworks supply. I like this brand and type as it goes higher temperature without loosing color... except for pinks. I encourage to try all and possibly even put a few test tiles on the reduction card glaze shelf.

At this point you should have all 6 heads started and carving, modeling, working on details of at least 3-4. If you work on more than one at once you will learn how to unertand the clay bodies and potential of each stage of drying. Plus if your frustrated with one more onto another for a bit.

Helpful suggestion calendar:
1) All six heads should be done by the end of this week. Next week you should be refining detail and applying surface treatment.

2) Research how you want to color your heads. What kinds of surfaces do you want? How does the surface relate to your concept? If you want to use underglazes, by them and test them by tomorrow. If you want a certain blend of colors, test combinations of oxides, slips and glazes by Thursday! Ask for help if this is new to you and write everything you do down in your sketchbook. 

3) As you work, think about how you can push a different technique and a different idea in each head. How can you keep them interesting?

Thurs Sept 14- By this day, all 6 heads should be close to fully formed. Make test tiles that try the surfaces and colors you want.

Tues Sept 19- Refine your heads. Apply oxides and slips. 

Thurs Sept 21- Finish surface work. 

Tues Sept 26- Due date. Introduction to next project.

You SHOULD HAVE WITH YOU AT EVERY CLASS your sketchbook, photos of yourself, a mirror or your computer camera, research images... start to think surface based on artist research and bring examples of what you are wanting to do... by the end of the week you should be ready to start slipping and putting on underglazes or knowing what glazes and/or oxides post firing you want to use.

remeber the point of these 6 heads is to push your skills from into... try new textures, surfaces and building approaches... all 6 heads should show a range of investigation when put together. Make them as realistic as possible... they are a copy so work from that original and be prepared to show with greenware on September 26th. While the form should be as realistic as possible the surface can be more playful, abstract, realistic, opposing, inventive as possible.

Here is some more inspiration: Sergei Isopov. Check out around 2:20 and see the bottoms!
 and Beverly Mayeri